Privacy policy

Concerned about respecting the privacy of Internet users, BLUE COCKER GAMES is committed to ensuring that the collection and processing of personal information is carried out in accordance with EU Regulation No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR,” and all the provisions of the French regulations applicable in this area.

We only use your personal data in the cases provided for by the regulations in force:

  • the execution of a contract we have concluded with you, and/or
  • to comply with a legal obligation, and/or
  • your consent to the use of your data,
  • the existence of a legitimate interest in using your data. A legitimate interest is a set of editorial and/or commercial reasons that justify the use of your data by BLUE COCKER GAMES.

1 – Data controller – Data Protection Officer (DPO)

  1. The person in charge of the treatments is BLUE COCKER GAMES whose head office is located at 49 Avenue du Lauragais, 31400 TOULOUSE, with Siret number 79310109800036, and represented by Mr. Alain BALAY.

2 – Data collected

2.1 – General data

The data transmitted by you and/or the customers are collected and processed via:

  • the Registration Form,
  • the subscription to one of the newsletters and/or communications of BLUE COCKER GAMES,
  • when participating in webinars,
  • when downloading white papers,
  • when making an appointment on our online solution,
  • during a chat for which you wish to be contacted directly,
  • during your browsing on the digital media;
  • by certain partners of the Company offering services from the Site.
  • Through engagement with our social accounts

The data collected may include:

  • last name, first name, title, profession ;
  • postal address, e-mail address, telephone number;
  • information necessary for the development of a digital action plan;
  • information transmitted within the framework of a collaboration contract, giving access to secured interfaces;
  • choices for commercial prospecting.

Some of the personal data are necessary for the subscription to a service contract with BLUE COCKER GAMES, to establish sectoral or commercial performance statistics, or to meet the legal obligations incumbent on BLUE COCKER GAMES.

You provide this data voluntarily. The optional or mandatory nature of the data is indicated by an asterisk at the time of collection. The Company collects and processes data about you from its business partners, in particular about the use of services available from digital media.

Each time you visit our sites and applications, we collect information about your connection and navigation. Various technologies can be used to collect this data. The main one is the cookie (see article 3.4 and our Cookies policy below).

2.2 – Data on minors

In principle, our products and services are intended for persons of legal age who are capable of entering into contractual obligations. Users who are minors must obtain the consent of their legal guardians prior to the communication of personal data concerning them. For registration on our sites and for some of our online services (e.g. newsletter), the age of 16 is accepted. An Internet user under 18 years of age at the time of publication or creation of an online account has a specific right to the deletion of data concerning him.

2.3 – Data relating to a third party

Before registering a third party for a feed, newsletter or communication, you must ensure that the person concerned agrees to their personal data being shared with us.

3 – Purposes of the processing

We use the data mentioned in the previous article for the following main purposes:

3.1 – Operations necessary for the supply of products or services

  • management of subscriptions to our newsletters and/or e-mail alerts;
  • invoicing; collection of payments;
  • Follow-up of the project and its successful completion
  • updating of your personal information in a dedicated database;
  • carrying out satisfaction surveys;
  • Sending information about changes or developments in our services;
  • management of unpaid invoices and disputes;
  • management of the exercise of your rights on your personal data;
  • verification of compliance with applicable legislation, our contracts and general conditions.

3.2 – Marketing and business development operations relating to publications, products and services

  • sending marketing, advertising and promotional offers relating to our products and services by post, e-mail, mobile notifications, on social networks or any other medium;
  • personalized commercial prospecting or loyalty actions;
  • collection of customer opinions;
  • elaboration of commercial statistics.

3.3 – Operations related to commercial partnerships

  • sending marketing, advertising and promotional messages relating to the products and services of partners by post, e-mail, mobile notifications, on social networks or any other medium;
  • setting up contests or other promotional or event-based operations with commercial partners.

3.4 – Purposes associated with the deposit of cookies and similar technologies (hereafter “cookies”) on your browser

The cookies issued on this site or on our applications allow us to recognize the browser of your device during the legal retention period of the concerned cookie. The cookies we issue are used for the purposes described below, subject to your choices:

  • to establish statistics and volumes of frequentation and use of the various elements composing our site (headings and contents visited, path), allowing us to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services;
  • to adapt the presentation of our site to the display preferences of your device (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits to our site, according to the hardware and software for viewing or reading that your device has;
  • to memorize information relating to a form that you have filled out on our site and/or our applications (registration or access to your account) or to products, services or information that you have chosen on our site and/or our applications (subscribed service such as newsletter or alert, etc.);
  • to allow you to access reserved and personal areas of our site and/or applications, such as your account, thanks to identifiers or data that you may have previously entrusted to us;
  • to implement security measures, for example when you are asked to log in again to a content or service after a certain period of time;

Cookies issued on our site by third parties…

The issuance and use of cookies by third parties (e.g., partners), are subject to the privacy policies of those third parties. We inform you of the purpose of the cookies we are aware of and how you can make choices about them.

…From third party applications integrated into our site

We may include on our sites and applications, computer applications from third parties, which allow you to share the content of our sites and/or applications with other people or to let these other people know your consultation or your opinion concerning a content of our sites and/or applications. This is notably the case of the “Share” and “Like” buttons from social networks such as “Facebook”, “Twitter”, “LinkedIn”, etc.
The social network providing such an application button is likely to identify you thanks to this button, even if you did not use this button when consulting our sites and/or applications. Indeed, this type of application button may allow the social network concerned to track your browsing on our sites and/or applications simply because your account with the social network concerned was activated on your device (open session) during your browsing on our site.

We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about your browsing, and associated with the personal data they have. We invite you to consult the privacy policies of these social networks in order to learn about the purposes of use, including advertising, of the browsing information they may collect through these application buttons. These protection policies must allow you to exercise your choices with these social networks, in particular by setting up your accounts for each of these networks.

4 – Duration of data retention

Your personal data collected will be kept for a maximum of three years from the date of collection. Information collected in the context of a commercial relationship will be kept for the duration of the contract. If you leave a comment on the site, the comment and its metadata are kept indefinitely.

5 – Data access

5.1 – Access to data within BLUE COCKER GAMES

BLUE COCKER GAMES’s internal departments and its subcontractors may have access to some of your data. In accordance with the regulations, access to your data is based on individual, limited and supervised access authorizations.

5.2 – Data transmission

Are likely to have access to some of your data:

  • Subcontractors:
    • management of your hosting;
    • securing online payments and fighting against fraud
    • porting of publications;
    • management of telephone calls, sending of postal or digital mail;
    • personalization of the content of the sites and mobile applications
    • maintenance operations and technical developments;
    • collection of customer reviews;
    • providing analytical solutions or audience measurement statistics.
  • Social network platforms:

The use of social networks to interact with our sites and applications (in particular the “share” buttons on Facebook, Twitter …) is indeed likely to result in data exchanges between the Company and these social networks. We therefore invite you to consult the personal data management policies of the various social networks to learn about the collection and processing of your data.

6 – Access and opposition

6.1 – Access to personal data

You have the right to access your personal data and to request that they be corrected, completed or updated. You may also request the deletion of your data or object to their processing, provided that you have a legitimate reason.

You can ask to exercise your right to data portability, i.e. the right to receive the personal data you have provided us with in a structured, commonly used format and the right to transmit this data to another data controller. You can exercise your rights with the Data Protection Officer, whose contact details are given in point 1.

6.2 – Opposition to commercial solicitations

You may at any time object to commercial solicitations, in accordance with the terms and conditions provided for in the communication medium concerned.

Unless you are already a client of BLUE COCKER GAMES and the purpose of our solicitation is to offer you products or services similar to those we already provide. In any case, you always have the possibility to oppose the reception of these solicitations by carrying out the following actions:

  • for e-mail, by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided in each e-mail, by going to your online account or by contacting our customer service
  • for the SMS, by sending a STOP SMS to the number indicated in it or by contacting our customer service
  • By email:
  • By mail: BLUE COCKER GAMES, 49 Avenue du Lauragais, 31400 TOULOUSE.