Benoit Turpin
Benoit, founding member of the MALT, a groupe of french designer from Toulouse, grew up with games and the friends that go with them. Eclectic gamer, he never envisioned creating a game until a very painful Eclipse game in 2013. Once enmeshed in games, impossible to think about anything else. Designer of Optimo in 2016, winner of the FLIP design contest in 2017, he longs for only one thing : create new games…
Alexis Allard
Alexis, a MALT member,a groupe of french designer from Toulouse, and board game author since 2015, prefers to play with his friends, but when they're not available, he still continues to play solo! So when Benoit Turpin invites him to create a solo mode for Welcome and its sequel Welcome to Las Vegas, he does not hide his pleasure. Author of Small Islands in 2018 and Tanuki Market in 2019, he invites you to find his famous Solo Mode.